CRM Software Bangladesh

Face CRM

(Customer Relationship Management):


Face CRM is designed with all modules and features to generate your sales by reducing your work load even with a small device such as a Smartphone.

Support your sales team's efforts.

Give them the tools and technology they need to succeed and beat the competition.

Foster good relationships between your sales team, production and administration.

Communicate regularly with your team.

Mediate internal conflicts before they drive good sales reps away.

Take action to fix problems as they arise, not after you've lost your team.

Face of Art Technologies Ltd

 Committed to provide perfect business solution

Face CRM system digitally organizes and retrieves every piece of information about your customer(s). Every step of the sales process can be tracked for individuals, and large samples of people can be used for analytics and marketing campaigns. Emails, appointments, purchases; you can never have too much data on your customers. It’s really all about keeping track of how your customers think, feel, and interact with your business. What’s your demographic? What else do they buy? How often do they click your ads? With a good CRM implementation, you can dive from one fact to another in real-time. The newest trend of intertwining social media data (Face book, Twitter, etc) with CRM systems has made those factors even easier to study, as well as giving your clients more open lines of communication/support. Customer service is also a staple of maintaining a good relationship; by being able to bring up transaction histories that are intrinsically connected to personal information, you can serve your clients in a way that assures them you are getting the job done right. You can chat with all the members in your company by this Face CRM software..


1. Master Data management-Setting

2. Lead or Temporary Clients

3. Complain and Recovery

4. Clients Setting

5. Contact

6. Sales Activities

7. Reports

8. Quotation

9. Marketing

10. Invoice Management

Sincerely yours,

For Face of Art Technologies Ltd

Contact us:

1. +88017-12-622-555

2. +88016-12-622-555

3. +88018-12-622-555

Our website:

Email us: ,

Skype:   amcs.ashraf

Company Address:    Road# 30, House# 437, DOHS Mohakhali, Dhaka-1206


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